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Play-to-Play... The Cost Is Too Great!

So, since my daughter, Jayda is now a freshmen, I’m absolutely learning what it means for Michigan to be a play-2-play state, at the high school level!

Jayda’s summer track camp was $200, her essentials (spikes, duffle bag, sports bra, compression shorts, etc.) cost well over $250.

Jayda’s high school sports insurance cost $50 for the year.

Her band uniform was $210.

Her cross-country warm up’s were $150… the uniform was provided by the school (thank Gawd).

And I had no idea anyyyy if these costs were associated with her participation beforehand!!! In Cleveland, we had minor fees like cheer shoes; in college, dance shoes; but most uniforms and fees were covered 🀷🏾‍♀️

Not to mention gas/mileage to commute her back and forth to track practice over an hour away for 8 weeks (I have a gas-guzzling truck; literally each day cost me about $25)…

Also have to mention the many track meets that we traveled to and each meet costing between $10-15 for admission/parking for me and my son…


When I look at the cost and look at the race of children on these teams, it’s no wonder that Jayda is often one of the only black kids… (about 6 black students out of *60 students in band; she’s 1 of 2 black girls in Cross Country… there’s one bi-racial girl; and about 3 black boys; on an entire team of at least 45-50 kids).

And lastly, the school doesn’t provide any transportation after practice and practice is 6 days/week which means non-stop driving and transporting our kids, all so they can participate in sports/extracurriculars and get that “well-rounded” experience that college applications are looking for.

I am an absolute planner and still didn’t realize all these costs were a part of her participation, based on my own experience in which, students didn’t have to pay-2-play when I was growing up in Cleveland.

And all this is FIRST SEMESTER OF FRESHMEN YEAR… not even getting into the rest of the year or additional activities!!!

Lord knows that if I would’ve known, I prob would’ve said, “Um, Jayda… how about we sign you up for a course in graphic design or video gaming”… that way she wouldn’t need any uniforms or transportation, just a computer and WiFi at the house lol!

But what’s so disheartening is the fact that sooooo many other children who look like Jayda or live in Jayda’s neighborhood won’t get to experience sports/extracurriculars simply because they/parents don’t have reliable transportation, can’t afford uniform costs and so on… it’s not ok and it’s not equitable‼️‼️‼️

And after today’s run, Jayda informed me that she also needs cross country spikes (which are totally different from her two pair of track spikes and current pair of running shoes πŸ™„)…
I am a single mom who’s been unemployed since COVID hit… it’s just the grace of God that allows me to sustain my family and pay these astronomical costs, all so Jayda can be happy and do what she loves.
But for some, these fees can equate to choosing between paying rent/monthly mortgage OR figuring out how their kid(s) can participate πŸ˜•… In the richest, most powerful and free country in the world, the disenfranchisement to exist, thrive and have fun is still so great… even for our children.

I’ve already told her, SHE CANNOT DO ANY WINTER SPORTS! After all this, track in the spring and dassit!

But again, what about all those other babies 😟?


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