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Showing posts from May, 2018

Getting Back to The New-Old Me!

As I sit here at work right now (yes, I'm typing while on-the-clock because I'm always on the friggin' clock), I realized something... I realized just how boring I have become #BoringPersonAlert! Don't get me wrong! I often think about how my life is consumed with poopie diapers, request to buy slime supplies, pigtailing (daughter's hair), french braiding (son's hair), and "Hey babe, can you fix me..." requests! But as I was tuned into a webinar for a leadership program I'm in at work, the question was posed, "What's your brand equity?" I've honestly been trying to build my website for the last three weeks (and by trying I mean that I've had the browser window open on my desktop at work for that amount of time, but not really committed too much energy to it- and I've certainly not done anything to it while at home even though EVERY SINGLE DAY that I've left work I've stated that I wasn't going to make som