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Showing posts from August, 2020

One Year Later... After Fleeing Domestic Violence!

Click to listen to The Single Wife Life Podcast, Episode 6  I'd taken a job over an hour away from where I lived. Partly because I'd set my career goals on the organization as I admired the great work being done there and within the community overall, around diversity, equity and inclusion. The other part was simply because I wanted to move. I never really had plans of staying in the small-country town in Michigan that had become my home for almost 10 years. So when the opportunity of employment elsewhere presented itself, I jumped.  Problem is, when you're married, you can't jump in whatever direction you please, whenever you please. Well, I'd been meeting opposition for years and I was the only person who wanted to move forward and progress. Inwardly, I was on a journey to have a much better life than what my children and I had experienced. As such, I took the job in another town, was willing to commute two to three hours per day, and had the mindset that I'd