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Showing posts from August, 2021

Play-to-Play... The Cost Is Too Great!

So, since my daughter, Jayda is now a freshmen, I’m absolutely learning what it means for Michigan to be a play-2-play state, at the high school level! Jayda’s summer track camp was $200, her essentials (spikes, duffle bag, sports bra, compression shorts, etc.) cost well over $250. Jayda’s high school sports insurance cost $50 for the year. Her band uniform was $210. Her cross-country warm up’s were $150… the uniform was provided by the school (thank Gawd). And I had no idea anyyyy if these costs were associated with her participation beforehand!!! In Cleveland, we had minor fees like cheer shoes; in college, dance shoes; but most uniforms and fees were covered … Not to mention gas/mileage to commute her back and forth to track practice over an hour away for 8 weeks (I have a gas-guzzling truck; literally each day cost me about $25)… Also have to mention the many track meets that we traveled to and each meet costing between $10-15 for admission/parking for me and my son… When I look

Walking A Trail While Black... And I Ran Into Grandma Karen!

There I was this beautiful morning, minding my own business, doing what I’ve done several times before, when GRANDMA KAREN & GRANDPA BOB felt the need to tell me how my (obvious blackness) wasn’t welcomed where they were!!! The audacity and disrespect! Crazy thing is, as a black person, we can absolutely expect it at some point, any point, every point, any where and any place… at all times !!! I was unaware that this community had closed off its trail and premises to outsiders due to quarantining as no signage was posted and we’ve previously gone there on plenty occasions. #WalkingATrailWhileBlack The most upsetting part for me, is that my 6YO son was instantly able to pick up on something wrong when the rude couple started saying filth out of their nasty mouths. I noticed his mood instantly changed and he became mopey and so did his body language as he positioned himself behind my body while we went back and forth. Well, we just got home and he was sitting on the floor. I ask