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Showing posts from January, 2020

Bad Mom Or Nah???

So, I often think about the movie “Bad Moms” and wonder which side of the spectrum would I be on 🤷🏽‍♀️ ... Am I more of the “non-cookie-baking” mom who buys store bought treats and the “I conveniently forgot to wash (for three days now) so I sent my kids to school with dirty socks and drawers (for three days now  😂 )” type of mom... or am I the perfect mom who has everything together? I’m definitely NOT the latter. As such, when my four-year-old reaches for garlic bread sticks and Cool Ranch Doritos in the a.m. after I’ve told him to just wait until he gets to school for breakfast (because, “Ma, I hung-wee”) and he doesn't listen (because apparently, that’s against a preschooler’s religion), then I unfortunately have the burden of feeling guilty about sending him to school with rotten breath! Granted, I do have extra toothbrushes and toothpaste in the car, but that doesn’t work on such a deadly combo! As such, I feel bad because his dragon breath will soon be firing